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The Crestview Collection Country Scene 1 Embellished Print on Stretched Canvas features a rustic, weathered old barn that is surrounded by lush greenery of grass and flowers as well as the tall trees behind it. Reminiscent of the barns built by early settlers, this grand barn was once filled with hay in the loft and cows and horses in the lower stables. This print is sure to bring memories back to those who grew up on a farm or who visited grandparents on a farm. The cool tones of the aged barn wood contrasts the beauty of the vibrant greens and the blue sky. The print is 30-percent hand painted and measures 40-inches square. This piece is sure to add beauty to your rustic style home or office decor.
Product Description
The Crestview Collection Country Scene 1 Embellished Print on Stretched Canvas features a rustic, weathered old barn that is surrounded by lush greenery of grass and flowers as well as the tall trees behind it. Reminiscent of the barns built by early settlers, this grand barn was once filled with hay in the loft and cows and horses in the lower stables. This print is sure to bring memories back to those who grew up on a farm or who visited grandparents on a farm. The cool tones of the aged barn wood contrasts the beauty of the vibrant greens and the blue sky. The print is 30-percent hand painted and measures 40-inches square. This piece is sure to add beauty to your rustic style home or office decor.
Attribute name | Attribute value |
Width | 40 |
Height | 40 |
Depth | 1 |
Attribute name | Attribute value |
Width | 40 |
Height | 40 |
Depth | 1 |